Thai Charm Cooking School – Krabi, Thailand

This was the best cooking experience I have had on this trip and I must say even compared to the cooking classes I have done at home.  Thanks so much to Gerry and Judy who recommended the school.   It was interesting, informative, humorous and the food was just superb.  Much better than any Thai food I have eaten.  Each person was allowed to choose what they wanted to cook.  One dish from each column.

Choose what you want to cook

I chose Tom Yam Goong, Pad Thai, Papaya Salad, Panang Curry Paste and Panang Curry with Chicken.  The people on the course were all enthusiastic and friendly so a good time was had by all. Heng, the instructor, kept us working hard but always with a great sense of humour and fun – he emphasised the 5 essential “esses” of Thai cooking.  “Sweet, Sour, Spice, Salt and Smile”

6 Replies to “Thai Charm Cooking School – Krabi, Thailand”

  1. I think I need to come for lessons. Ive only ever made Thai Red curry. And not very well either.

  2. Judy and I are so pleased that you did this course at Charm Cooking School in Krabi. It was one of the super-high points of our entire recent Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand by land and sea epic journey. We are practicing our newly learned Thai cooking techniques and have invited others over to share in the experience and fun. Everyone has enjoyed the meals. Our current favorites are Tum Yam Goong, Morning Glory, Green Curry and deep fried bananas. This week we experimented making a Thai pineapple rice salad served in half pineapples. Our next attempts will be Banana Rotis and Green Mango Salad. We are naturally very much looking forward to our next trip to Koh Samui.

    Thanks very much for sharing your adventure with us. All the best.

    Godspeed and good luck.

    P.S. We listened to Patrick and Karen being featured on air yesterday along with a few others on the subject of Veganism. It was great. Their Pop-Up Green and Vegan kitchen is doing well.

  3. Eldred,
    Lovely to get your posts and follow your journey. Seems like you really are making the most if sites and local culture aside from just riding. I’m good no to be around for Asian meals after all the great cooking you’ve been doing!
    We are having a great experience with our Aus road trip as well. Been on the road over 2 months and have just got to WA. Been to some amazing places and we haven’t yet got to the remote West Coast and Top End yet. Everything going so well, managing with the Queen and Dove, no issues, and even venturing into proper 4WD situations.
    Continue to enjoy your trip and keep posts coming.
    Love. Caroline.

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