Tropical Spice Garden Cooking School

I so enjoyed the cooking class given by Bee in the Tropical Spice Garden Cooking school.  The style is Peranakan which is the uniquely Asian blend of two cultures where the people are ethnic Chinese but they have been in Malaysia for centuries and  the culture and language is predominantly Malay influenced.  The Peranakan passed on recipes from mother to daughter so very few recipes  have been documented until now when the younger generation are ensuring that the traditional cooking  is preserved.

The Tropical Spice Garden is a beautiful privately owned botanical garden about 25 kms outside Georgetown on the very expensive resort  coast. It is an 8 acre secondary jungle with over 500 species of flora and fauna.  We were taken on a tour of the garden and especially the spice section before the class started.  It is incredible to see the plants from whence all of our spices come.

We cooked blue pea-flower rice with a pineapple curry and turmeric chicken with steamed banana cake as a dessert.  The cake was steamed in a banana leaf.

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