Spelunking in Ipoh

Ipoh is a great place – there is so much to see and do.  It is surrounded by limestone mountains and was once the fortune seekers paradise with valuable deposits of tin.  There is even a sad tale of an unfinished castle – Kellies Castle – read about it here:


I only stayed one day in Ipoh so I had to choose just one thing to do.  My hosts at “Le Bug and Boat Backpackers Hostel” told me about the caving experience at the Gua Temparung (The Tin Miners Cavern) and immediately I knew it was for me.

Pay for the Grand Tour, wear sturdy shoes and clothing that protects your knees, don a helmet and you’re in for a climbing, sliding, slipping, crawling, squeezing, leopard crawling in the river to pass through a tunnel hardly higher than a prone person, posting through cracks and generally having an amazing experience.  The tour takes you 1.9km through the limestone mountain and then another 1.9km back on a different but equally adventurous route along the river, altogether a 4.5 hour experience.  Not for the claustrophobic.  The guide and youngsters on the tour were very solicitous and took care of me.

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