Kanchanaburi – The Bridge and the River Kwai

Did you know?  Two bridges were built, a temporary wooden one simply to get supplies across for the next bridge and the concrete and steel bridge that exists today.  Both of the bridges spanned the Mae Klong River but, once across the river, the railway follows the Khwae Noi river valley. Between the novelist, Pierre Boulle, (The Bridge Over the River Kwai) and the film producer, David Lean, (The Bridge on the River Kwai) the bridge became famous with the wrong name. When tourists started pouring in looking for the bridge with the wrong name, the ever practical Thais simply renamed the Mae Klong river tributary at that point, calling it “Khwae Yai” and the problem was solved!

Having seen the movie and subsequently read several books as a kid, I dreamed of visiting this place one day.  #dreamcometrue

I caught the train from Bangkok right up to the bridge, it is possible to continue with the train to Nam Tok and have the authentic experience of travelling the “Death Railway” across the bridge and through Hellfire Pass.  Sadly I did not have time to do this however I did visit The Thailand-Burma Railway Centre  in Kanchanaburi which is a very interesting museum dedicated to the building of the Death Railway.

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